Red Daisies Funeral Florist Message Card


red Daisies pointing to the sky Funeral Florist Message Card. Many captions to choose from and can have your florists details on reverse.


Large Red Daisies Funeral Florist Card (Large)
  • Large Red Daisies looking to the sky on a white background printed on the left hand side
  • Right side contains any caption and blank space for the message
  • Landscape orientated card
  • Printed colour to front and black ink on reverse where applicable
  • Personalised with your florist’s information on reverse side if required so people can connect your flowers to your business
  • Many captions to choose from
  • Pack of 9 of any single design and caption combination
  • Designed for Funerals but the blank version allows for other uses too
  • High quality white uncoated board
  • Free economy delivery to a UK address

How to Order

Please note in the “Caption” drop down “I.L.M.” stands for In Loving Memory.

  1. Select from the drop down menu’s and add to basket.
  2. When complete, go to checkout and in the process, send us a message via “order notes” advising your personalisation details for the reverse side if chosen.
  3. We will then send a draft copy of the reverse card to ensure that your details are correct.
  4. Once approved, we will print and dispatch within one business day

We strive towards an excellent service for all our clients and aim to accommodate wherever possible your requirements. If you need your personalised funeral florist message cards immediately then please contact us before you order. These are low resolution photographs and the colours may look slightly different on your computer according to your screen settings. Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us quoting FC05.